Tuesday 13 May 2014

Earn With Facebook "Wealth Formula"

Facebook Wealth Formula ver 1.8
Easy $500 A Day Cash Blueprint!
The working of this method was checked, verified and authenticated recently on 19th February 2013 with latest 2013 Facebook updates. Latest screenshots related to income, traffic and Facebook pages taken on the date of authentication (i.e. 19th February 2013) have been inserted in this guide to give you the latest perspective and analysis.
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The information presented herein represents the views of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the rights to alter and update his opinions based on the new conditions. This manual is for informational purposes only and the author does not accept any responsibilities for any liabilities resulting from the use of this information. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided here, the author and his referrals cannot assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional.
This publication is not intended for use as any source of advice such as legal, medical, or accounting. The publisher wants to stress that the information contained herein may be subject to varying international, federal, state, and/or local laws or regulations. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information. Adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, including international, federal, state and local governing professional licensing, business practices, advertising, and all other aspects of doing business in the EU, US, Canada or any other jurisdiction is the sole responsibility of the purchaser or reader. Neither the author nor the publisher assume any responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of the purchaser or reader of these materials. Any perceived slight of any individual or organization is purely unintentional.
This book is for personal use only. It should serve as a reference only with no guarantee to any personal or financial gains. Results from usage of materials described in this book may vary. By reading this material, you agree that the author is not liable on any consequences arising from usage of this book. Page 2 of 36 Facebook Wealth Formula ver 1.8
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Hello friends, my name is Adam C Miller and I am from USA. I am a reputed member on many internet marketing forums & websites. Today, thousands of people on the internet know me for publishing the most realistic internet marketing e-books & reports. Every week, a lot of new people on the internet become my students and learn internet marketing stuff from me and start their online businesses successfully. Whenever I find a mind blowing money making method, I make a detailed tutorial & email it to all of my readers, almost instantly! You can also get top notch money making methods, ideas and softwares for free by just subscribing to my newsletter.
I never hurry while publishing an e-book. I do research, find new methods & apply them and if I am successful, I tell others about those methods in my e-books. I write an e-book once in 6 months, but it’s always the best one. For your information, I will keep publishing newer versions of ‘Facebook Wealth Formula’ and you can get them into your inbox automatically, if you subscribe to my newsletter.

The amount i.e. $97.00 which you’ve invested in ‘Facebook Wealth Formula’ is going to be your best investment in internet marketing. I am sure that you’ll learn awesome stuff out of this e-book. If you are reading this e-book online then I suggest you to download the e-book on your computer and then start reading it. Reading online won’t give you better understanding and hyperlinks in the e-book won’t work too. So, it’s better to download before you start reading.

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Ok! Let’s Start…
You might have read many e-books on making money, but no e-book gives you any guarantee that you’ll definitely make money, right? But, here is the most realistic and practical e-book you have ever read in your life. It’s a complete blueprint of making rock solid income consistently! This is the exact method which I use to make $500 a day from my own Facebook account! Using this method, I’ve reached at the level of making $500 a day in 30 days only, starting from scratch!
As you know, even if you’ve a website and a product to sell, you can’t make money without any traffic. If you don’t have a website and are selling affiliate products via Clickbank you still need traffic to make money. The best source of traffic is Google. But it’s never easy to rank your website at #1 position in Google. Even if you try to do it then it will take that much time that you may leave internet marketing, being disappointed, DAMN! Should you go for Google Adwords? Well! I was not lucky enough in using Google Adwords. A lot of click frauds are going on there. I tried it twice but it sucked a lot of cash from my pockets and I got no sales for 2 weeks continuously. I won’t think about it again!
The next best place for getting traffic is Social Networking Websites. I trust a lot on Facebook for getting targeted traffic and making money. It is #1 social networking website with 600 million active users and every user has more than 50 friends at an average. If you learn how to monetize it properly then it can be a major source of traffic and a GOLDMINE for you!
Top internet marketers know that the best way of getting traffic from Facebook is creating your own fan page and gaining more and more “Likes” to it. The more “Likes” you get, the more traffic will be there to your website, more sales of your products & more clicks on your affiliate links.
A Successful Fan Page Can Bring:
o Regular
o Laser targeted
o Highly interested
o Easily convertible visitors to your website who will BUY YOUR PRODUCT!
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To work with this method, you just need a Facebook account, a website and a product to sell.
Note: If you don’t have a website or a product to sell, even then you can make $500 a day, very easily, so keep reading… :)
Here I’ll tell you, how to make a wonderful Facebook account and an ultimate fan page which will bring immense traffic to your website or blog and makes you $500 a day, really easy! My fan page brings thousands of targeted visitors to my websites daily & fills my pockets with a lot of money without any special efforts!
I created a new Facebook account few weeks back & it has the following stats today:
Total friends: 4993
Number of “Likes” on my fan page: 55,472
Traffic to my website: 700-800 unique visitors a day
Average Sales: 16 - 17 a day
Average Income: $500 - $650 a day
******* My website design is poor and not convincing, that’s why my conversion rate is 3% only, I am trying to improve the website and it will increase conversion rate to 5% - 6% easily and duplicate my income. ******
You might be thinking if I am boasting that much, then why don’t I share my Facebook account here? The reason is that I am very serious about the security of my Facebook account. I don’t want anyone to report my account to Facebook. You know, if only few people report a Facebook account then Facebook will remove it without any warning and I don’t want to put my Facebook account and my $500 a day income at any risk.
If you really want traffic to your website & want to make $500 a day, then you should either trust me or you can close this e-book and start reading another e-book which claims making you rich overnight! I suggest you to just leave the idea of being rich overnight, which is impossible, and start with this $500 a day plan which is realistic, sensible and easy to achieve.
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􀀳Here are some really simple steps, we’ll follow:
These steps are very simple. I’ve inserted a lot of screenshots for better understanding and they’ll make things a lot easier. If you don’t understand these steps then read them twice, thrice or as many times as you want. Apply them while you’re reading and you’ll definitely achieve the target.
This is so simple that even a kid can do it.
Step 1: Visit www.facebook.com and create a new Facebook account. It should look like the profile of 18-20 years old girl. Girls get more attention and gain friends quickly. Name should be sweet & common one. It shouldn’t look like a fake profile. It should be sober, natural and simple. Go to www.images.google.com and find the pictures that represent girls like flowers, candles, lips, cleavage (sorry girls) etc. and upload one of them as your profile picture. Don’t place picture of someone other. Enter as much information as you can into your profile because people don’t like empty profiles. Simple, huh?
Step 2: After you’ve created a new Facebook Account, it’s the time to add friends to it. You can add maximum 5000 friends to your Facebook account. Your motive should be to exploit this opportunity. This is the most important task. Your website traffic, sales, income & success depends upon the number of friends you have. Generally, adding 5000 friends may take ages, but you will learn, how to add 5000 friends to your Facebook account in 7 days only!
Do you know that to add friends on Facebook you can import contacts from your email account or from Outlook Express to Facebook. If they are already on Facebook, they’ll get friend requests on your behalf, otherwise they’ll get invitations to join Facebook. But the problem is that you may not have a lot of contacts to import, because if you want to make thousands of friends, then you need to import at least few hundreds contacts. To invite few hundreds people you’ll have to purchase an email list which will cost you $800-$1000 & there is no guarantee that it will work or not. Now, if I suggest you to buy an email list paying $1000 then you will surely like to kick me hard.
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􀀳What about an email extractor?
An email extractor harvests email addresses from the internet and gives you the list of collected email addresses. But, is it good to use harvested email addresses to invite people on Facebook? The answer is NO. There are many disadvantages of using an email extractor. First, an email extractor extracts same email addresses from the internet, every time you use it, so its use is limited! Second, it will also collect email addresses of firms, companies and other business houses that are of NO USE to you. Definitely, you won’t like to send a friend request to a doctor, dentist, carpenter or an accounting firm.
The next perfect alternative, which I use, is an email lists generator. An email lists generator is more powerful than an email extractor. An email lists generator generates supposed email addresses list using common names of the people of the countries you want to target. These email addresses belong to the general public and not to the companies, firms or business houses. The best thing is that you can use different combinations of the names, keywords, domain names and numbers to generate the lists of thousands of unique email addresses. Using an email lists generator you can target any niche you want. For example, you can generate lists of email addresses of those people who’re interested in making money, losing weight, poker, credit cards, music, websites, SEO, Twitter or Facebook applications etc. Not only this, you can also target any country you want e.g. USA, UK, Canada, Spain, Nigeria, Australia and all other countries. I downloaded and tested different email lists generators, one after another. It took me 2 weeks and I wasted around $325 to find the right tool.
Yes, after wasting $325 and testing different softwares I figured out that Acute Email IDs Production Engine is perfect for our use. There are two main reasons behind that. First, it’s the cheapest in price amongst all the tools I have tested and second, it’s easy to use & very effective. The best feature is that it saves email addresses lists in the text files which is a very important requirement for our method. Although, It cost me few bucks but that cost is nothing to achieve our target of $500 a day.
I know I am taking risk by openly recommending a product. You might be thinking that I want to sell you this software, right? Wrong! This is not a crappy e-book which contains affiliate links from Clickbank or Commission Junction websites to make sales and earn commission. I am already making $500 a day, so few $$ from affiliate commission won’t change
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my life. I am recommending this software because I’ve already tried all the other softwares available online and I don’t want you to waste your time and money like I did in searching for the right tool. Although, I’ve made a recommendation but you’re still free to use any tool of your choice but if you’re going to buy a software other than Acute Email IDs Production Engine, then please make sure it has following features:
􀂃 option to generate unlimited email addresses lists
􀂃 target any country you want
􀂃 target any niche you want
􀂃 save email lists in text file (.txt)
Ok, while using this software I checked that more than 70% of generated email addresses actually exist. Means, if you generate 4000 email addresses then 2800 will be real ones and this is a fantastic figure. Sometimes, you get around 85% existing emails addresses.
Step 3: Using email lists generator, generate an email addresses list and save it in a text file. It should not take more than 60 seconds. Acute Email IDs Production Engine automatically saves email addresses lists in the text files (.txt). If you’re going to choose a different email lists generator then make sure that it has this feature because it’s very important.
Step 4: Now, Facebook won’t allow you to directly upload this text file containing email addresses list. You need to put this email addresses list in a special format to upload on Facebook. Click here to download ‘contacts.csv’ file on your computer which is already in that format which Facebook accepts. After downloading, open this file in MS_Excel. In case you don’t have MS_Excel then you can install “OpenOffice” on your computer by downloading it from here, it’s free! If you’re using “OpenOffice”, then right click on ‘contacts.csv’ file icon and choose Open With > OpenOffice.org Calc like shown below:
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On next window, it will ask how you would like to open this file. Make the following settings. Please note that the option ‘Comma’ should be checked and the option ‘Space’ should be unchecked. After doing these settings, click OK and file will open.
After opening, this file will look like as below. This is an empty file, because it’s just a format which Facebook accepts.
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Step 5: Now, open your Text File in which email addresses list (you just generated) was saved. Copy all email addresses from it, come back to ‘contacts.csv’ file, right click and paste all email addresses under the column ‘E-mail Addresses’ as shown in the picture below. Leave all other columns blank.
After pasting email addresses, ‘contacts.csv’ file will look like as below:
Step 6: When you save this file, MS_Excel (or OpenOffice) will ask you a new file name but you can simply overwrite the file choosing the same name. Choose ‘Yes’ if you see the following screen:
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Trust me, you’ve done 60% work and are very close to $500 a day. Was it difficult? I don’t think so! If you think it was difficult, then simply read it again and apply these steps while you’re reading. You may find this process a bit boring, but remember $500 a day is not a small amount.
􀀳Here’s the recap of what we’ve done so far:
1. Create a new Facebook account. Your account should look like a profile of 18-20 years old girl. It should look simple, sober, natural and real.
2. Generate an email list using Acute Email IDs Production Engine and it’ll be automatically saved in a text file.
3. Download and install “OpenOffice” from here. (No need if you already have MS_Excel).
4. Download ‘contacts.csv’ file from here. Copy email addresses from text file and paste them in ‘contacts.csv’ file and save it.
Is it clear? Let’s go further…
Step 7: Now, we’ll upload ‘contacts.csv’ file on Facebook so that Facebook can send friend requests to these people. If they’re on Facebook, then they’ll get friend request instantly and as soon as they accept your friend request, they’ll become your friends. In case they’re not on Facebook, then Facebook will send them invitation to join Facebook to become your friends. In both situations, you win. This step is really simple! Login to your Facebook account, visit this page: http://www.facebook.com/invite.php and click ‘Import your email addresses’ option.
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Step 8: Now Facebook is asking from where you want to import email addresses (source). Click on the option ‘Other Tools’ as shown below:
Special Note:
Facebook keeps playing with its options and sometimes you may not be able to find ‘Other Tools’ as an option. In that case simply click ‘other services’ or find if there is an option like ‘Outlook Express’ etc.
Step 9: Thereafter, Click “Choose File” button and simply browse ‘contacts.csv’ file (in which you pasted email addresses and saved) and then click ‘Upload Contacts’ button.
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Step 10: As soon as the file is uploaded, Facebook will show you the list of your contacts it found in that file. Click ‘Select All’ checkbox and click ‘Add to invite’ button.
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Step 11: You’ll see that Facebook has added all the friends in the invitation list. Now click ‘Invite Your Friends’ button and that’s it! Facebook will send invitation to all these people. If the people on invitation list are already on Facebook then they’ll get friend request on your behalf and if they’re not on Facebook, then they’ll get an invitation to join Facebook to become your friends.
Step 12: After sending invitations, open ‘contacts.csv’ file again and delete all email addresses from it. To invite more people, simply generate a fresh list of email addresses using ‘Acute Email IDs Production Engine’ and paste it in ‘contacts.csv’ file and save the file again. Now, upload this file again on Facebook by repeating the same process to invite more people. You can do it as many times as you want by generating fresh email addresses every time.
On first day, I sent invitations to 800 people and it took just 20 minutes!
Didn’t you find it easy?
Yes! It’s a very easy process, if you don’t understand it then apply this process while reading this e-book, it will make things a lot easier. Follow this practice only two times a day. It takes only 2 minutes to generate hundreds of email addresses.
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Like I said earlier, consider yourself very lucky that you’ve got your hands on this method while others are still struggling to start making money online. Not only this, chances of your success are high enough because a lot of lazy people will not act on this report, because they think that this method will not work for them. By the way, I can’t find any logic behind such thinking. May be they are too pessimistic or so unlucky to be successful. Anyhow, it’s good for you because when only few people will act on this report, your chances to WIN will be more because of low competition :)
Ok, when I sent invitation to 800 friends on first day, 334 people were already on Facebook and they got friend requests immediately and the remaining 466 people who were not on Facebook got invitation to join Facebook via email.
I added 24 friends in 1 hour only.
You know, Facebook activities go viral. When you add a friend, it’s displayed on walls of both of you and a lot of other people notice your profile and they also like to add you as friend. Your work is just to accept these invitations.
See, how many friend requests I got within next 2 hours.
Yes, there were 39 friend requests and my job was just to add them one by one.
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Here is the screenshot of huge number of friend requests, I got on the same day, I sent the invitations. As soon as you get friend requests, you can add them as your friends by clicking ‘Confirm’ button. I’ve blurred the names of Facebook users to protect their privacy, as per Facebook “Terms of use”.
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I added all of them as friends and now I had 63 friends. (All in just 3 hours)
After around 8 hours, I checked again and got amazed that there were more than 250 friends in my Facebook account. That was a fantastic figure! Most of the people to whom I sent friend requests had added me (just because of ‘hot’ girl profile.) Means, I got more than 250 Facebook friends in just one day! That was more than enough for me.
On 2nd Day, I generated more email addresses using ‘Acute Email IDs Production Engine’ pasted them in ‘contacts.csv’ file and uploaded it on Facebook and invited more people. This time I invited around 3000 people. Again, those who were already on Facebook got friend requests on my behalf and those who were not on Facebook got invitations via email. At an average, generating email lists and uploading ‘contacts.csv’ file was taking only few minutes. I was doing this process just 2 times a day so I was spending only 20-25 minutes daily for this work.
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On late evening of 2nd Day, I checked my profile and found that I had more than 600 friends.
I was taking screenshots every day, because, I was an active member at Digitalpoint Forum and was sharing my progress in this thread. The forum members were so excited with the results that they started sharing their Facebook accounts urls and their personal email addresses to add even more friends, faster. It was against Facebook as well as Digitalpoint rules so forum moderators had to delete the thread.
Anyhow, now I was getting 70-90 friend requests daily and was adding a lot of friends every day. I was uploading ‘contacts.csv’ file daily to my Facebook account by generating fresh email addresses lists using my email lists generator.
I took this screenshot on 3rd Day. Look at the huge jump in the number of friends.
Day - 3
Actually, Facebook doesn’t allow you to send 20 or more friend requests manually but, when you invite them with this method, this limit doesn’t apply.
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These were some of the daily pictures of Recent Activity on my Facebook timeline:
On 5th Day, I had more than 2200 friends.
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Day-6 - Ultimate Growth Day!
This was the 7th Day & I achieved the target of adding 5000 friends.
Still, there were a lot of pending friend requests and when I tried to add them as friends I got this message from Facebook:
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Like I already mentioned that the maximum number of friends which you can add is 5000 only. So after I reached this number of friends, people couldn’t send me friend requests anymore. If someone would send me a friend request he’ll see the following error message:
Once you reach at this level, your 80% work is complete and you can do it in just 7 days, straight!
Here is a quick summary of what we did to add 5000 friends in 7 days only:
1. Visit www.facebook.com and create a new Facebook account.
2. Get a good email lists generator and generate an email list, it would be saved in a text file automatically if you’re using Acute Email IDs Production Engine. If you’re using another email lists generator then make sure it has the option to generate unlimited email lists and save them in text file.
3. Click here to download a readymade file format to upload on Facebook, the name of the file is ‘contacts.csv’. Facebook won’t accept any format other than this one.
4. Open ‘contacts.csv’ in MS_Excel. If you don’t have MS_Excel then you can download open office and install it on your computer. Thereafter, right click on ‘contacts.csv’ file icon and choose open with > openoffice.org calc
5. Copy email addresses from text file saved by email list generator and paste them into ‘contacts.csv’ under the heading ‘E-mail Addresses’. Leave other columns blank and save it.
6. Goto http://www.facebook.com/invite.php page and click ‘Import your email addresses’ option and then choose ‘Other Tools’.
7. Browse and upload ‘contacts.csv’ file there. After file is uploaded it will show all the contacts.
8. Click ‘Select All’ and then ‘Add to Invite’ button and then click ‘Invite your friends’.
Simple enough, eh!
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Once you’ve reached at this level you can make huge money very easily. If you already have a website and a product to sell and only need traffic, then next part is super easy. It’ll bring hundreds of laser targeted visitors to your website and you’ll make a lot of sales every day.
Don’t have a product to sell? No problem!
If selling your own product is the best way to make money online, then it should come as no surprise that selling someone else’s product is the second best way to make money online. This practice is known as affiliate marketing.
Clickbank.com is one of the most popular website for affiliates and it’s free to join. If you don’t have own product to sell then simply visit Clickbank.com and you can find thousands of products to promote as an affiliate. To promote a product you get a hoplink which contains your affiliate ID. When someone buys a product through your link, you earn instant commission. You get paid via check or direct bank transfer. There are tons of newbies out there who are doing this and making sustainable incomes. Actually, they’re making a killing out of it.
Don’t have a website?
Although you don’t necessarily need a website to promote products as affiliate but still if you want a website to put your affiliate links or product info, then you can create a free website using any of the following sources. It’ll take only few minutes to create a website using these sources and they’re very simple and free.
http://wwwdotbloggerdotcom (Great for newbies)
http://wwwdotwordpressdotcom (Great for newbies)
Now, you’ve a product to promote and a website!
We already have a huge number of Facebook friends and to sell our product the only thing we need is “Traffic”. To get traffic, we need to create a Facebook page sometimes referred to as a "fan page" or “Facebook fan page”. You can create a Facebook page for anything you want. It may be a particular subject you like, a celebrity, a niche or anything you desire. All you need is a Facebook account and if you’ve a Facebook account with thousands of friends (like we have) then you already have GOLD in your hands.
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Facebook pages show up high in search engine positions. You can get unlimited "fans" or “Likes” for your Facebook page and take advantage of massive audience of 'Facebook.' It's a really powerful way to get new people to discover you and whatever you’re offering.
Here I am going to tell you how to get 50,000 “Likes” for your Facebook page in less than 30 days which will bring avalanche of traffic to your website and you’ll get ultimate boost in the sales of your product or in affiliate commissions. Not only this, as the number of “Likes” for your fan page increases, you’ll get even more “Likes” automatically at a rapid speed. So, traffic will increase day by day on autopilot! Please note, before creating a page, you must have at least 3000 friends, but 5000 would be great!
􀀳How To Create A Page That Brings Avalanche Of Traffic To Your Website!
Visit http://www.facebook.com/pages/create.php to start creating a page, choose a page type and fill in all the possible details into your fan page.
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Add an attractive image to your page to gain more attention. If you want to create a picture yourself then you can visit Google Images to get an idea. If you find anything incomplete in your fan page then complete it first before asking your friends to join it. Make sure that you’ve inserted your website address (or your affiliate link) in your fan page. Besides it, your page should have an attractive and meaningful name. Think about the product you want to sell through your fan page.
Think the following in your mind:
What is your niche?
What is your product?
Who you want to target?
What is your mission?
I already had a website and an e-book on ‘Weight Loss’ which I wanted to sell. This e-book contains simple tips which help people to lose weight and live healthy. Remember, your fan page will appear in search engines too, so make sure that you use your keywords in the title of your fan page so if you’re selling a “weight loss” product like me then you can use any of the followings as title of your page:
"Stay fit by losing a bit – Get free weight loss tips every day”
“Lose weight quickly – free daily diet info”
“Fast results – Ultimate weight loss tips”
After your fan page is complete in all aspects, it’s the time to monetize it and tell the world about it. Visit your fan page and click “Build Audience” button and then on “Invite Friends” option.
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It’ll open a widget “Invite Friends” on your fan page. In that widget Facebook shows all of your friends and there’s a button “Invite” in front of the name of every friend.
Once you click “Invite” button in front of your friend name, Facebook will send invitation to your friend to join your fan page. Unfortunately, Facebook doesn’t allow inviting all 5000 friends in one go. So, you can invite them only one by one and it makes it a time consuming task. But remember, once you’ve invited all of your friends, you’re going to see an avalanche of traffic to your website. If you can’t finish inviting all the friends in one day or in one sitting then no problem! You can invite the remaining friends on another day and so on… Because you already have 5000 friends, so you’ll easily get hundreds of “Likes” in no time. Once someone “Likes” your page, he starts getting updates about your fan page on its wall, automatically. Means, your fans will get notification every time you post something on your page.
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􀀳 How to make your fan page go viral!
Tip 1: When you see that a lot of your friends have become fans of your page, ask them to share your page with THEIR friends. You can post this message on your fan page and your existing fans will get a notification about it.
Tip 2: Keep posting newer things on your wall about your fan page. Ask people to join your fan page to get free tips in your niche. Repeat this process few times a day and you will be amazed on seeing the tremendous growth.
Tip 3: Use ‘Discussion’ tab on your page to start discussions on your topic like ‘weight loss’ in my case. People like conversations and sharing ideas. Give them some tips and they will share their tips too. This is really simple, just like chatting on your Yahoo messenger or any other discussion forum. You’ll also have administrative rights of your fan page, so enjoy it!
It took me 7 Days to add 5000 friends, 1 another day to create a fan page and further 2 days to invite all of my 5000 friends to it. I had finished inviting all of my 5000 friends on 10th day midnight so I went to the bed feeling tired and sleepy. When I checked my Facebook account on 11th day (next day) noon, I got a big surprise….!
I saw that 531 users had liked my fan page and it was a huge response.
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When one of your friends “Like” your page, it’s posted on his wall. Some of his friends may also like to visit your page and “Like” it and then their friends & so on… Your work is just to wait and watch now! So, when on first day, 531 users liked my fan page, it was posted on walls of 531 Facebook users and you can imagine how much exposure it would have got on the same day.
Day - 12 - Next day, when I checked the stats, I almost jumped in the air! See the viral growth! It’s RAPID!
Day-13 – More than 100% increase in “Likes”.
Day-14 (A day of tremendous growth, this is how Facebook works in a viral way)
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Day – 28
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On 29th Day, I had more than 50000 Fans – 2nd Target Achieved!!
You might’ve noticed huge jumps in the number of fans (or “Likes”) between few days. There is a simple logic behind it. When people like a fan page, it’s posted on their walls so that their friends can also see what did they like. You saw I got 1600+ likes in around 48 hours by inviting 5000 friends to my fan page. Now assume that my every friend has around 50 friends each, at an average (very common). So, my fan page was noticed by 1600 X 50 = 80,000 Facebook users within 48 hours. That is totally incredible!
Now, every day, I am getting more “Likes” on complete autopilot! I couldn’t get this amount of fans, if I had shared this page with only 100-150 friends which most of the Facebook users do. Once you get around 50,000 fans, you should not think about gaining more fans. At this time, you have gold in your hands! Now, it’s the time to monetize this crowd for your advantage.
Getting traffic to your website is simple enough when you already have FIFTY THOUSANDS people interested in your niche. To get traffic to your website, start posting ‘status updates’ about your website as soon as you have 50000 fans. Status update is anything that you share with your fans on your page. I post free tips on losing weight + link to my website as a status update. I find new tips every day from the internet and post them on my fan page with a link to my website. Here’s an example of an ideal status update:
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If you don’t have a website link and you’re promoting a Clickbank product then you can insert your affiliate link in your status updates. When someone read your status and buy a product after clicking your affiliate link, you earn commission. ClickBank pays you via checks and bank transfer. Those, who don’t have their own product, are making thousands by promoting Clickbank products on Facebook.
􀀳How many status updates & how much effective they are?
Just 4-5 updates a day will be enough. It shouldn’t take more than 25-30 minutes a day. I post health tips, weight loss tips and diet information + my website link as status updates. Do the same and encourage your fans to visit your website to get more information about your products.
Now suppose, you are too bad in writing status updates and 99% people ignore you. They either don’t read your status updates or don’t visit your website but still if just 1% fans read and act on your status updates, then you’ll get atleast 500 unique visitors every day (50000 X 1/100). Yes! From my status updates, I get around 700-800 visitors a day on my website and more than 85% of the total traffic comes directly from my Facebook fan page.
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As you know that minimum conversion rate for an average website is 3%-4%. I am planning to improve my website and will make it more attractive and convincing to get more sales. If you are getting 500 unique visitors a day then at 3%-4% conversion rate, you get 16 - 20 sales a day, at an average. This is the same output I am getting from my Facebook page. Yes! I am getting 16-20 sales a day (at an average) and price of my product is $29.99 which makes me $500 a day, very easily!
I use e-junkie to sell my ebook. When someone buys my e-book, e-junkie processes everything. After each sale:
1. I receive payment in my PayPal account instantly;
2. e-junkie sends download link to buyer’s email;
3. I get a notification of sale from e-junkie.
Everything happens automatically and I don’t do anything manually.
See the latest screenshot of my Gmail account. You can see how many sales notification I’ve got today from e-junkie. I get such amount of notifications daily. This is really a tremendous amount of sales which makes me $500 every day just due to Facebook. Page 32 of 36 Facebook Wealth Formula ver 1.8
Here’s the latest screenshot of my PayPal account which I took a moment ago just to insert in this report and update on my website.
I have around 50,000 fans only and still I am making $500 a day. Every week, I will be getting more fans, more traffic to my website and more sales of my e-book. As you know, I am getting only 1% visitors to my website from my fan page but, if you increase the number of status updates then you can get even more visitors. You can make even more money by selling more value products or by simply increasing the number of status updates.
Here’re some of the other products which will sell easily on Facebook. Because majority of the Facebook users are 20-40 years old, so you can sell anything amongst the following:
- Weight Loss (Hot niche)
- Games, Music and MP3 (Hot niche)
- Acne Treatment (Hot niche)
- Dating offers (Hot niche)
- Pregnancy control, Teen parenting
- Facebook applications
- Surveys etc.
- Mobile ringtones etc. (Hot niche)
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􀀳How to make money with Facebook even without a website & your own product!
As I’ve already discussed that if you don’t have a website or a product, even then you can earn $500 a day easily by working as an affiliate and promoting other people products using Clickbank. Clickbank is the easiest place for every one to choose products to promote. Here are few other renowned networks you can consider.
www.clickbank.com , www.cj.com , www.neverblue.com , www.maxbounty.com
You can simply sign up to these websites, choose products to promote and start earning commission instantly. You can promote games, music, dating offers, free softwares, downloads, and health products (like quit smoking, weight loss etc.) etc. on your fan page and earn huge commissions as an affiliate.
You can even upload this “Facebook Wealth Formula” PDF file (Yes, you’ve right to share it with others) on a website like ShareCash and then share the download link with your friends on your Facebook wall or other similar Facebook fan pages, internet marketing forums, classified ads websites or on your blog. Someone who wants to download this file will have to complete a survey on ShareCash. After the survey is complete, the file becomes available for download and you earn commission on every survey completed. It’s free to join! To find more websites like this search for the keyword “Get paid to download” and “internet marketing forums”
Few weeks back, my sister in law asked me to recommend her a good method to make money online and I gave her a copy of Facebook Wealth Formula. She applied it and added 19000 FB fans in just 11 days and now she is simply offering Clickbank products to her Facebook friends and fans and guess what? She’s making more than $150 a day in commissions and it’s without any website and own product.
There are a lot of opportunities to make money with Facebook. You can make money by selling your own product, service, e-books OR you can join CPA networks, work as an affiliate & sell products for commission but the most important task is adding 5000 Facebook friends & you can achieve it in 7 days only!
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􀀳What’s Next?
You’ve just learnt a really powerful yet unknown method which most of the Facebook ‘gurus’ secretly use to add thousands of friends overnight and make money. You want to be successful and make a lot of money online. You may also have a website and a product or a Clickbank product to promote, but the only thing which you require is traffic. If you start getting traffic then you will start making money without any problem, right? You just saw that Facebook is the best place to get immense traffic and this plan is so simple, effective and easily doable by any person who is not lazy. It can definitely bring an avalanche of traffic to your website and you can make significant amount of money without any risk. You won’t believe but people are using this method to sell Facebook “Likes” to other people on Fiverr.com. I am not a ‘guru’ but I’ve taught hundreds (if not thousands) of people how to use Facebook for business.
A lot of people after reading “Facebook Wealth Formula” are making more than $100 a day in their first week. I’ve spent a really long time to develop this perfect system which guarantees that you’ll be making $500 a day within 4 weeks. I don’t want you to just read and close this e-book. My purpose is not to just “sell” you this guide and earn $97.00. I want to make you successful in making money with this perfect system. If you really want to make money, then just reading this report is not enough, you’ll have to “take action”. Most of the people don’t make any money because they just read, read & read but don’t take any action. So, do yourself a favor, don’t let this opportunity go, because this time won’t come back! Stop thinking and start doing.

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Day 1
Start right now and download all the important and necessary items, right away.
A. Download ‘OpenOffice’ and install it on your computer (No need if you already have MS_Excel).
B. Download ‘contacts.csv’ file from here
C. Buy email lists generator, download it and get used to it. Check how email lists generator works and how to generate and save email lists on your computer.
Day 2
Create necessary accounts:
A. Create your Facebook account and complete your profile accordingly as mentioned in this e-book earlier.
B. Create your Clickbank account (no need if you already have a website and a product to sell). Understand Clickbank marketplace and how affiliate links work.
C. Create account on Blogger or Wordpress in case you want to create a free website too.
Day 3
After you’ve everything set and ready, start applying this method without any delay. Read all the steps of this e-book again and try to apply them while you’re reading.
If you follow this method in the same manner as I’ve described then I am sure, you’ll start making money in just 4 weeks straight and it’s my personal guarantee!Thanks

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