5 Ways To Have Longer Hair
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Longer and swishy hair are a dream of
every girl. Is having longer hair one of your dreams? You are just one
step away for getting beautiful longer hair if you make some changes in
your daily life routine. Having a good haircare routine helps you in
preventing hair breakage and makes your hair long, silky and smooth. I
would suggest you some tips for getting longer hair. Follow these tips
and transform your dream of longer hair in reality.
1. For getting longer
hair, it is necessary to stop hair breakage and damage first. To prevent
your hair from breakage you have to change the ways you wash your hair.
The temperature of water for washing hair affects your hair. It is
essential to wash hair with normal water temperature.
Using superhot water will cause your
hair to dry out and become brittle. Wash your hair no more than three
times a week with coldest water you can handle. Daily washing dries out
hair by stripping away natural occurring oil that acts as scalp built in
conditioner. Gently pat your hair dry with a towel. If you are roughly
drying your hair, you are breaking your hair. Don’t brush your hair when
they are wet. Wet hairs are stretchable and tend to break more easily
than dry hair.
2. For getting longer
hair, roots must be strong. For making roots stronger use conditioner
that contains essential oils and nourishes your hair. Massage your head
for two to three minutes to stimulate blood circulation. It promotes
better scalp health.
3. Massaging is
essential for getting stronger roots which is vital to get longer hair.
Use your fingertips for massaging your hair with coconut or almond oil.
Massaging stimulates blood flow and hair growth. Most women are afraid
of using conditioner because they think that conditioners clogs pores.
But conditioner is necessary to moisturize the hair just like your face
requires moisturizers. It hydrates your hair and makes them strong.
4. Your hair is affected by what you eat. Eat balance diet
in order to have health and swishy hair. If your scalp is dry, include
omega 3 and fish oils in your diet. There is no better way to strengthen
the weak hair than daily supplements. Adding supplements with right
balance of vitamins, essential minerals and proteins.
Hair commonly grows in warmer months so take special care of your hair in summer.
Drink plenty of water to keep your hair hydrated. If your hair looks
dry, frizzy and more prone to damage, it means your body requires
adequate amount of water. Drinking water is easiest and absolutely vital
part of growing your hair longer.
5. Trim your hair less than half an inch every other month. The ends of long hair become
frizzy and dry due to styling. Comb your hair with brush having wide
bristles. It will prevent your hair from splitting and breaking of hair.
Always brush your hair before going to bed.
Your hair breaks when
you toss and turn during sleep. So it is important to prevent split ends
during sleep. Use cotton pillow case because it creates less friction
and your hair is less likely to break and tangle.
Beauty Tips